Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is what happens when I get really fucking tired.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Tri-force.
You: and the thunder of my clandestine slit.
Stranger: umm, i dont exactly understand the second statement
You: My vagina is secret.
You: at least the meeting that it's having.
You: it's a secret meeting with my Genack
Stranger: im tempted to ask, but at the same time wondering whether or not id want to
You: I don't know that I'd have a response for you. .
You: I'm very tired and sort of slipping here
You: that makes it hard to give good answers
Stranger: ah what time is it where u r?
You: 4
You: am.
Stranger: oh, it's only 2 here :P where u live?
You: The Chi.
Stranger: i have no idea where that is :D
You: You're on the west coast?
Stranger: yup
You: I'm in the midwest
You: making brownies
You: and changing lives.
Stranger: oh wow, and all at the same time?
You: no
You: that would be hard.
You: nigra
Stranger: lol, so then y r u making brownies at 4 am?
You: oh, because I'm a dirty liar
You: I'm making excusses
You: I need a little bowl of excite
You: cast
You: f,gopppppppppg er
Stranger: huh, that really confuzzled meh but im just a bit too tired to care
You: try a little tenderness
You: I think we've spoken before.
You: I'm having deja vu
You: It's like groundhog's day.
Stranger: no, we havnt spoken before
Stranger: unless you're a sex offender
Stranger: then we might have
You: I try not to be.
You: I'm not on any lists...
You: I don't suppose.
You: You should visit my blog.
You: http://omeglefail.blogspot.com
You: it's mildly enriched with potty humor.
You: and pure corn syrup.
Stranger: ehhhhh, id never visit it most likely
You: don't be a bitch.
Stranger: lol, sorry, im just not much of one for blogs
You: because then I'd have to slap you
You: you're really being a bitch.
Stranger: o.o
You: come on.
Stranger: umm, i guess ill write it down
You: it's a web log of my random conversations on this stupid fucking site.
You: and it's funny.
You: Well, I think it is.
You: and I'm pretty radical.
You: So my opinion matters a lot.
You: do you understand?
Stranger: umm, not exactly. talking to you is kind of like having an acid trip
You: You're really being a shit.
You: I have never had the explosive capacity like you do
Stranger: you really need to calm down
You: I'm actually so calm
You: I'm barely breathing.
You: it's a fact.
You: my funny is on top of the oven
Stranger: oh, well i read what you're typing and i picture someone yelling o.o
You: That's how I get you.
You: I think in yell.
You: But I'm so mellow, I'm a new version of stop
You: can we call you?
You: call you Nell?
Stranger: Nell? umm, sure? i guess, i mean i dont see why not....
You: Is this not your name?
Stranger: no....
Stranger: o.o
You: oh
You: what
You: all the railings are green here.
You: and the machines are all rusted.
You: Is this satisfactory?
Stranger: ...
You: MY name is Rich Buttery Popcorn.
Stranger: oh, well that sounds liek a rather delicious name
You: I was once eaten
You: by drogge
You: what?
You: I'm having a moment
You: in time and space
You: come clean
You: you're in love, aren't you?
Stranger: ...well, yes actually...why?
You: I felt it.
You: right here in my wrist
Stranger: mm-hm
Stranger: and what else does your wrist tell you?
You: How long have you loved me?
Stranger: well i dont love you, however i do love my girlfriend
You: I've loved you since the season of jupiter
You: you love me.
You: don't lie.
You: your girl friend is cheating.
You: on you.
You: with you.
You: OHHHHHH sick burn
Stranger: :alright then, i'll admit it (ADMIT IT!) im absolutely in love with you
You: WOOT!

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