Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Long and deeply troubled

I don't know where the hell the person I was talking to came from, but they kept up with me for about 45 minutes of complete randomness. Forgive my obvious self-promotion at the end, I figured it was appropriate at the time.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiya
You: No.
You: That's not how this is going to go.
You: I'm really done with that sort of discussion.
Stranger: i see
Stranger: then i shall follow orders
You: no, clearly you don't.
You: You see, every time I talk to someone here, they all say the same things.
You: "hi. Hey. Hiya."
You: It's getting old.
Stranger: hmm
You: Leave, come back and start the conversation again.
Stranger: wont work
You: I'm not asking...
Stranger: i wont be talking to you
You: I'm telling.
Stranger: so it wouldnt be interesting
You: who made you the judge of interesting?
You: Who died and made you Mayor McCheesy?
Stranger: the hamburgler kidnapped him
You: Where's my coffee?
Stranger: in the pot
You: What the fuck?!?
You: Listen, Carl, I've had it up TO HERE with this constant barrage of SHIT!
Stranger: well plug the hole where its coming from
You: If your report is not on my desk by NOON, I'm going to reign down on you with an unholy fire so hot, there'll be nothing left of you but fucking brown circles.
You: Do you get my drift?
Stranger: i like it hot
You: What do you think about that?
Stranger: wait
You: I'm waiting
Stranger: how does It, fuck raining
You: hmmm
Stranger: raining is a high class broad
You: good question, Susan...
Stranger: she wouldnt fuck that loser
You: How does it fuck raining?
You: Well, I suppose one would have to consult the works of Jung to really tackle that question.
You: I guess the easiest answer would be found in Jung's essay "A polyp full of emotional twat seepage".
Stranger: that seepage is pretty damn tasty
Stranger: drizzle it on a slice of pie
You: wherein he speaks, "I'm a flabby bitch and I ran away from home to fuck the circus clowns."
You: Wouldn't you agree?
Stranger: why was the bitch out of the kitchen
Stranger: why wasnt her mouth on a penis
You: Where was the kitchen.
Stranger: too far away from the circus
You: No no, where WAS the kitchen.
Stranger: on the 2nd floor
You: Good place for it.
Stranger: in dallas texas
You: Ah, I believe Freud spoke of second floor kitchens.
Stranger: who taught the bitch about the circus
Stranger: that was a mistake
You: But was later disproved by a very special episode of Charles in Charge.
Stranger: well if Charles doesnt agree then he definitely isnt in charge
You: I'm in disagreement with your pectoral muscles.
You: Light a candle, say a prayer.
Stranger: the pecks are the most truthful message in the body
Stranger: but i applaude your distrust
You: The meaning of life is to live long and trotter
Stranger: the word of the day is Whowantstafuckme
You: You should come to China Town with me.
Stranger: i Organized the merger between Unicef and Smith & Wesson
Stranger: so i'd be happy to
You: good show!
You: i'm Bavarian
Stranger: I love sweet potato pie, seems we have so much in common
Stranger: but, i hated my father
Stranger: since he was my sister
You: care to ride a tandem with me?
Stranger: I'm already riding the Electric Boogaloo, but i'll switch at the next stop
You: Take the train. The country's nice this time of year.
Stranger: does it provide stuardesses to have fun with
You: Not likely.
Stranger: and by fun i mean to use and abuse
Stranger: well, i'll just bring my own
You: This conversation is clearly and ideal sort of conjecture and befoul in the receptions version of mucus.
Stranger: i figured it was somewhere along the line of an egotistical display of selflessness to the masses
You: ok, sir, now you're just being crass.
Stranger: i'm seeing things from a realist point of view
You: No, you're seeing them from the shade vector.
You: The realists moon is full, and time is nigh to wax.
Stranger: i see
Stranger: i shouldnt have to worry though
Stranger: i brought an umbrella
You: I see.
You: Sound plan on your part.
Stranger: damn straight
You: How about a Sanka.?
You: Or a trip to Sri Lanka?
Stranger: Sounds fun, Looks nice, Smells wonderful, all of my senses say that i should go
You: The power of the apple lies in the visitors tongue.
Stranger: the blacker the berry the more obvious that its a phone
You: that's so juvenile.
You: You're not even trying now.
Stranger: I framed roger rabbit
Stranger: i think i try pretty hard
You: Call me later when your internet comes back up.
You: I'll be in the shade of the setting second sun.
Stranger: DONT GO
You: But if not now, when?
You: Don't you see, this is the very crux of the event?
Stranger: if not when, WHERE
Stranger: think about that
You: I've pondered your question and come to the conclusion, this is intended to clean off with a bit of oxyclean.
Stranger: DO they serve beer in hell, cuz im going to Nevada soon
You: No.
Stranger: damn, i was hoping for a stripper or two
You: Hell is a visual idea created by the cost/loss ratio of an interdepartmental rift in the time grandiloquence variable
You: How then, can it be said that man's own superego is beyond cell structures?
You: We are the essence of something, rather than nothing.
Stranger: If the prisoners get out of those cells, the warden would have a problem on his hands
You: Tomorrow never comes, if not led by an multidimensional euphonium
Stranger: I saw that movie
Stranger: It taught me how to love a woman
You: The smell of a woman is rather like sour grapes.
Stranger: dogs cant swallow grapes
Stranger: so how can they smell
You: I don't know.
You: Perhaps with a breach barrel cannon.
You: Don't be a /b/fag.
You: It doesn't become you.
You: you're of a stronger substance and taste.
Stranger: In actuality i'm quite insane, i can become evverything
Stranger: but i shall accoomplish nothing
You: no. no you're not.
You: You're a shell of a man.
Stranger: wheres the filling
You: a putrid pusillanimous pipsqueak missing the mental mark.
Stranger: so who delivered the pizza then......you'd better not have tipped that bastard
You: I did tip timmy
You: he got here quick.
You: So, jerry, how long have you been suffering from underwhelm?
Stranger: no idea, ask claudia
You: Claudia is a cunt.
Stranger: she had the money
Stranger: and she knows her place
You: No, she had CRABS!
You: That fucking bitch had crabs, Tom.
Stranger: dammit rupert, i DIDNT FUCK HER
You: I never said you did, Jim.
You: I simply implied that the walkman was broke.
Stranger: Tony you implied that she had crabs, i wouldnt care what was in her armpits in the first place
You: I see.
You: Well, Seth, I've clearly overstepped my bounds.
Stranger: I understand your reason jason, but i dont need your help
You: Then in the future, I won't offer it.
Stranger: i do however, need your gun
Stranger: the matchlock rifle
You: My gun is registered to Falco P. Waltherbottom of the LAPD.
You: Don't you understand the status of my green card?
Stranger: I chloroformed that bastard last week, he didnt know how to shut his mouth]
Stranger: or open itr
Stranger: so i had to help him inhale
You: Escape into safe bay, dock one.
Stranger: maybe i should have just pulled the plug, since he was already in the hospital
Stranger: by the way i put him there
You: Are we done?
Stranger: yes
You: Pass the margarine.
Stranger: lol, you're good at rolling with the punches quickly ( on a serious note)
You: I'm a trained professional.
Stranger: i see
Stranger: i trained prostitutes
You: I have credentials.
Stranger: i have bullets
Stranger: but no gun
You: http://omeglefail.blogspot.com
Stranger: i bring people to me and put the shells through them
You: You're a god damned supervisor!
You: Visit my blog. Perhaps you'll see yourself seeing yourself.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: but seriously, i must go
You: I work without a net.
Stranger: hasta la byebye
You: thank you for the long ass convo
Stranger: lol
You: until we randomly meet again...
Stranger: eventually
You have disconnected.

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