Sunday, September 27, 2009

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yo
Stranger: dont chase the deer
You: yo
Stranger: hi
You: I do what I want
Stranger: but dont chase the deer
You: I do if I want to
Stranger: fine but youll never catch them
You: Don't piss of the witch
Stranger: uh... idiom?
You: Do you mean idiom?
Stranger: im confuzled
You: cause that's not what you said
You: you said
You: construction
Stranger: construction orange?
You: NO
You: yes
Stranger: construction dance!
You: I'm so tired
You: I want you to punch me
Stranger: *punches u... kinda*
You: oh.
You: Why'd ya hit me in the ear?
Stranger: because u told me to
You: I just said punch me
Stranger: would u like me to punch u somewhere else?
You: or whatever
Stranger: PSYCHO
You: No.
Stranger: psychopath
You: I am not
Stranger: r 2
You: I'm afraid
Stranger: of wat?
You: you're lack of correctness
Stranger: my lack of correctness? you used you're instead of your
Stranger: you lack correctness
You: I know what I did
You: I'm did it on purpose.
Stranger: I'm?
You: ;)
Stranger: u unproved ur point
You: You unproved your faint
Stranger: *faints*
Stranger: *jumps up and spins around*
You: So, I'm begining to think I have social issues.
Stranger: really? me too
You: It's become a serious problem.
Stranger: so is coffee
You: I get these "attacks"
You: Coffee is not A PROBLEM!!!!
You: I'm just saying
Stranger: coffee is a big problem I'm just so addicted
You: me too
You: do you think there is a connection?
Stranger: perhaps...
You: we should go to CA
Stranger: yeah! Which part?
You: Cofanon
Stranger: where's that?
You: I'm guessing at a church
Stranger: We should go to lake Shasta
You: Shasta McNasty?
Stranger: no we should go chase deer at lake shasta
You: why the deer?
Stranger: because they run away
You: what's with the chase?
Stranger: I'm pretty sure snowmen won't run away
Stranger: its fun
You: you're a little crazy too
Stranger: thank you
You: Wanna join my club?
Stranger: sre!
Stranger: sure*
You: it's called omegle fail.
Stranger: ooooh how do u play?
You: it's a chronicle of how little importance my life (and essentially anyone I talk to) ends up being.
Stranger: ok what do I need to do?
You: You talk to me
You: or anyone else
You: and send me the conversation
Stranger: I can do that!
You: I assemble this garbage
You: put it on the internet and nobody reads it
You: thus fulfilling the endless cycle of worthlessness.
Stranger: like
You: I guess.
You: Never saw that site.
Stranger: ok so I just send random conversations like this to you?
You: yeah
Stranger: I can ttoally do that!
Stranger: *totally
You: Free advertisement
Stranger: Feeeness
You: Man, why'd these assholes go and steal my damn idea
You: bunch of jags.
Stranger: jager?
You: yeah
You: jagoffs.
You: Cock smockers
Stranger: XD
Stranger: weeeeird
You: let's do this!
You have disconnected.

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