Monday, September 28, 2009


I've started getting submissions from a couple of people lately. The first submission post comes from Dramaqueen0905, who I've actually chatted with on Omegle. Anyways, here's her funny...

Stranger: moo
You: quack
Stranger: MOO
You: quaaaaack
Stranger: okay okay
Stranger: you win
You: quack?
You: sweet
You: haha fail
Stranger: quack is cooler than moo
You: ikr
Stranger: I just kinda thought of it last minute, is all
Stranger: you probably had that quacked all planned
You: I'll admit I had the upperhand since I had awhile to think about it
You: I kinda want a cinnabon
You: cimmanon
Stranger: yah they're pretty yum
Stranger: but so bad for you
Stranger: just sayin'
You: yeah so true but they're pretty amazing they give u wings
Stranger: thats red bull
Stranger: pretty sure it's red bull
Stranger: like the cake?
You: exactly like the cake
Stranger: crap
You: now u know
You: and u must tell the world
You: in order to save them from red bull lies
Stranger: thats so much work though
Stranger: i'm trying to read kant here
You: young grasshopper
Stranger: i'm already so distracted by the goddamn website
Stranger: what the hell am I doing here?
Stranger: I dunno... but I AM SO DISTRACTED
You: youre going to give me a hg?
You: hug*
Stranger: no... ahah, i'm not
You: are yuo going to perform for me? u can dance like a bunny
Stranger: mmm nope
Stranger: oh oh I have an idea
You: aybe you wantto pay me
You: maybe*
Stranger: nah nope
Stranger: i could tell you about kant though
You: was that?
Stranger: he's a philosopher
You: oooh philo is a fun word
Stranger: oi vey i suppose it is
You: oi vey hehe
Stranger: mhmmmm
Your conversational partner has disconnected

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