Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: how goes it
Stranger: fine, thanks
Stranger: u?
You: pretty swell
You: so, want to play a game?
Stranger: what's the rules?
You: it's a word association game
You: I say a word, you say the first thing to come to mind
You: want to play?
Stranger: sure
You: ok, here goes:
You: Grandma
Stranger: Cake
You: Ball
Stranger: Floorball
You: what the fuck is floorball?
You: ok, brick
Stranger: red
You: ana
You: whoops
You: I mean anal
Stranger: people
You: uh, snatch
Stranger: ball
You: you're really fucking bad at this game, just to let you know.
You: like, if I was keeping score, you'd have lost already.
Stranger: aww...
You: it's true.
You: sorry.
Stranger: ok
You: You have no hope in life.
Stranger: because?
You: because you are a bad person.
Stranger: bad? nope
You: no, you are. You're just a shitty human being.
You: I suggest moving back home with your mom
Stranger: ...
You: I don't mean to make you cry.
Stranger: you don't know me and you are talking these shit
Stranger: this*
You: well, I can't help it
You: you need to know
You: you kinda suck.
You: I'm sorry.
You: You seem like a nice enough person, you just suck.
Stranger: i think you have a complex
You: what do you mean?
Stranger: normal ppl don't talk like you
You: normal?
Stranger: you think you are better now
You: better than what?
You: better than you?
You: No no, just less sucky.
Stranger: nevermind
Stranger: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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