Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Justin Long

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 'ello
You: Yes, hi.
Stranger: how goes it?
You: It's true.
Stranger: So it's not false either.
You: I am the coolest person ever.
Stranger: Ever?
You: Just so you know.
You: Yes, EVER.
You: EVER.
Stranger: What honor this is.
You: It should be.
You: I'd be really honored, if I were you.
Stranger: Of course.
Stranger: Shall I hand you a trophy? Or are you "too cool" for that.
You: No, that would just make me a dick.
Stranger: Oh.
Stranger: Too bad.
You: You can give me a hand job though.
Stranger: Whoopie.
You: Cool people like hand jobs.
Stranger: Is that right?
You: So it is written.
You: So it shall be.
Stranger: done.
You: Get to work, you fat idiot!!!
You: Or I'll cut your hands off!!!
Stranger: No need for violence now.
You: Because I'm not cool
Stranger: I'm not even fat.
You: I'm a stupid liar!
You: and I hate your face.
Stranger: The feeling is mutual.
You: Wow.
You: Take it back.
You: I was kidding.
You: Cool people do that.
You: I guess you wouldn't know anything about that though...
Stranger: I would.
Stranger: I'm the queen of sarcasm.
You: I'm the king of cool.
You: and sarcasm...
You: well, it's not cool.
Stranger: I guess we should fuck then.
You: I agree.
You: this sounds totally cool.
Stranger: Agreed.
You: WIN!
Stranger: Who are you anyways?
You: I'm this guy.
You: Lol.
You: I'm this stranger guy.
Stranger: Neato.
You: I'm like jesus.
You: But more funny.
Stranger: Jebus?
You: and less of a sissy.
You: and I won't die for you.
You: So I guess I'm not like jesus at all.
You: I'm more like Mork.
Stranger: from Ork
You: I come from an egg.
Stranger: and your son is really Jonathan whats his name.
You: Will you be the Mindy to my wacky antics?
Stranger: sounds like a fantastic adventure of random.
You: His name is like Winters or some shit
You: maybe.
Stranger: Jonathan Winters, yes.
You: See.
You: Cool.
Stranger: who is basically insane.
Stranger: and old.
You: Sounds like fun to me.
You: minus the drunken sodomy.
Stranger: of course. For our sakes we must cut that part out.
Stranger: Nobody likes sodomy unless it's in a snuff film.
You: Well, no, I really like sodomy.
You: Just not from old ass crazy dudes.
Stranger: you for got the redneck part.
Stranger: and the backwoods
Stranger: and boats.
You: are we talking Deliverance?
Stranger: That would be it.
You: Oh.
You: That's no good.
Stranger: Agreed.
You: So, are you old enough to engage in conceptual sex?
Stranger: I guess.
You: because it's going to be like a modern art masterpiece!!!
Stranger: You know i'm just bullshitting.
You: Drum line.
Stranger: Omegle isnt serious.
You: Aww, come on ya fuck
You: I know that
Stranger: About as serious as serious does.
You: I do this for a living.
Stranger: Woop.
You: I make serious money.
You: Just to chat with you.
Stranger: Woop woop.
You: And to tell you the truth
You: It's awesome.
You: You know why?
Stranger: Are you in California or some third world country?
You: Nope.
You: I live on a boat.
You: I'm in the lake.
Stranger: Let me guess.
You: GUESS!!!
Stranger: Eccentric Millionaire?
You: You're right!
You: Is that wierd?
Stranger: Nah.
You: weird even.
Stranger: not even that.
You: How long have you wanted to be a part of my life?
Stranger: for about the past 1 nano second.
You: Because I knew, right from the get go, you'd be a big part of my future.
You: Back at hi, or whatever the fuck you said.
Stranger: The first thing I said was " 'ello"
You: Yeah, that drew me right in
You: blah blah blah, I love you or whatever.
Stranger: Whoopie.
You: let's engage in preternatural hetero mating rituals
Stranger: some Discovery Channel stuff.
Stranger: or even Animal Planet.
You: Bingo
You: You bring the lube and I'll bring the socks
Stranger: Sounds like a party.
You: a fucking pounding party
You: I have chips, toys and a video camera.
You: Ok, where do you live?
Stranger: In a tree.
You: I'll bring my chopper to you.
Stranger: Omegle = Not Real
You: It's real.
You: We connected
You: you love me and so do I.
Stranger: I love my hand.
Stranger: My hand does some miraculous things.
You: me too.
You: since we're both guys, we should jerk each other off.
You: with our dicks.
You: Timmy agrees.
You: Right timmy?
Stranger: <>
You: Prove it.
Stranger: What does it matter?
Stranger: -_-
You: haha.
You: Just kidding.
You: no. DO IT!!!
You: Seriously though.
You: I kid.
Stranger: Yowza.
You: hehehe
You: calm down.
You: You're on Punk'd
Stranger: Hooray.
You: ohhhh
You: got you!!!
You: or whatever.
You: I'm a sexy asian camwhore
Stranger: Congrats.
You: Stick em up
You: See, you'
You: You're not even trying now
You: and that really pains me.
Stranger: What? One word answers are the shit.
You: we could have had a really great life together
Stranger: Probably.
Stranger: Up in my treehouse.
You: If I wanted one word answers, I'd have talked to my girl friend.
Stranger: Well we wouldnt want that now would we.
You: Stupid whore, always texting in front of me.
You: Tomorrow I'm going to shit in her bathtub.
Stranger: Good for you. Feces is the most fertile while fresh.
You: God damn it, claudia.
You: I'm going to fist you the wrong way
Stranger: o.O
Stranger: Do you have a penchant for gluttony?
You: Right in your Cerberus Pit
You: I don't know if I do...
You: why do you ask?
Stranger: It's fun to ask silly questions and get shocking answers.
You: Like, do I enjoy eating?
Stranger: Gluttony can be the over consumption of anything.
You: Do you have a penchant for DP?
Stranger: I wouldnt say that I do.
You: I glutton the shit out of shit.
Stranger: Want a cookie?
You: no not really.
You: I don't enjoy cookies
Stranger: Too bad.
Stranger: I clean out my cookies everytime I sign off.
You: ooky cookies
You: that's a game
You: Where in, a number of men rattle off jack sauce on a cookie, and the last one to cum eats it.
Stranger: That sounds like a horrible version of Bukkake.
You: It's a more modern version, with actual reward.
Stranger: I just realized something.
You: Go
You: What did you realize?
Stranger: I like this band.
Stranger: The Deftones.
You: I like this one too.
You: Where in, I actually am wearing the one I'm listening too, randomly.
Stranger: which would be?
You: Tool
Stranger: My cousin likes them.
You: Your cousin's a fucking jerk.
You: We're friends now.
Stranger: Nah.
Stranger: He's not a jerk.
You: Oh.
You: Sorry.
You: I get that wrong sometimes.
Stranger: No big whoop.
You: give me all your personal info so we can hang out.
Stranger: Uhh.
You: lol
You: Don't you "lol" me.
You: bitch.
Stranger: You lol'ed yourself.
You: not you.
You: I know that.
Stranger: -_-
You: Did you seriously think I was talking to you?
You: Come on.
You: How long have we known each other?
Stranger: 5 minutes.
You: I know.
You: Totally seems like ten.
Stranger: or 1.
You: Remember that one time you tried to give me a trophy? And I was all like "No, cause that would make me a dick"
You: That was fun. Remember that?
Stranger: Gaggles of hilarity.
You: You're so good to me, Larry.
You: HI Larry T!
You: ohhhh hohohohohehehe
Stranger: Lol. El oh El.
You: no, but seriously.
You: I'm putting my game face on.

This actually continued for a little while longer, but it consisted solely of shameless self-whoring, the likes of which I will not subject you to.